Reay offers a range of services and activities beyond the school day for the benefit of children, families and local people.
Facilities available for hire include:
- a large bright room with mirrored wall and sprung floor
- a smaller art room equipped with tables and stools, kiln, sink etc
- an all-weather flood-lit sports pitch
The pitch is used by local people on weekdays after 6pm. The Studio is used after school by charity Young People Matter and at weekends and holidays by a church and local community groups. Facilities can be booked for regular sessions.
Artists in Residence
By special arrangement we also encourage 'artists in residence' to use our rehearsal or arts space in return for running high quality workshops for children at Reay. We have worked with a number of dance and drama organisations in this way, including B, Pineapple Dance, SHAMS, Kazuko Hohki.
Make a booking
The Studio and all-weather sports pitch can be accessed from Caldwell Street, using an entrance which is separate from the rest of the school. Contact Angelica Williams or Terri Peckham via the School Office (020 7735 2978 or to have a look round or to make a booking. The standard hire charge is £35 per hour for either the Studio or the pitch.