Friends of Reay (Parent and Staff Association) is a group of parents, carers and staff with a committee elected each year. We are organised as a charitable trust and the trustees are parents, carers and members of staff. All parents, carers and members of staff are very welcome to join and get involved in our activities.
Our main objective is fundraising for Summer and Christmas school trips for each year group in the school. However, in recent years, we have also managed to raise enough money for the fantastic new stage in the Junior hall, contributed to play equipment in the nursery and infant playgrounds, and donated games for the juniors to play in wet playtimes. We have also contributed to the refurbishing of the school library.
Now that we are a charitable trust, we are able to apply for more substantial grants, which are only available to charities, which widens the funding options open to us.
If you have any fundraising ideas, please get in touch with any of the committee members listed below or via our email chairfriendsofreay@gmail.com
Please click for more information on what the Friends of Reay do and have to offer.