What is phonics?
Phonics is one method of teaching children how to read and write. Phonics is all about sounds. There are 44 sounds in the English language, which we put together to form words. Some are represented by one letter, like ‘a’ in act, and some by two or more, like ‘ck’ in duck and ‘air’ in chair. Children are taught the sounds first, then how to match them to letters, and finally how to use the letter sounds for reading and spelling. Synthetic phonics refers to ‘synthesising’, or blending, the sounds to read words. It is based on the idea that children should sound out unknown words and not rely on their context.
Please watch this short piece to explain Bug Club phonics:
Here are all of the sounds your child will learn with us whilst learning phonics with examples of how to say each one: https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/downloadable-resource?id=1151664&file=BugClubPhonics_PronunciationGuide.pdf
Here is a glossary of terms you may hear your child using once they start learning phonics: https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/downloadable-resource?id=1097887&file=phonics-glossary.pdf
Here is a step-by-step guide as to how to login to your child's account once they receive their username and password: Step by step guide to logging in and using Bug Club with your child
You can access more information about phonics on your child's login if you click on tab entitled 'Grown-Ups'.
At Reay, we are passionate about children seeing themselves as readers from the very beginning. We are committed to providing books which enable our wonderfully diverse community to see themselves and each other in books. We see reading for pleasure as a key part of your child becoming a successful reader too. Phonics is not the only part of your child's reading journey; they will experience many other ways in which to access reading of all sorts throughout their time here.